Federal Lands Program
Regulation of Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations
The Federal Lands Program regulates coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands pursuant to the SMCRA and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA).
SMCRA defines Federal lands as any land, including mineral interests, owned by the United States without regard to how the United States acquired ownership of the land and without regard to the agency having responsibility for management thereof.
In many states, OSMRE has delegated the administration of SMCRA on Federal lands to State regulatory agencies. This delegated authority is pursuant to Section 523(c) of SMCRA and State-Federal Cooperative Agreements between the Secretary of the Interior and the Governor of the respective State. The cooperative agreements provide that the States perform all permitting activities, as well as day-to-day inspections and enforcement on those mines.
However, sections 523(a) and 523(c) of the SMCRA provides that the Secretary may not delegate to the State the responsibilities to approve mining plans on Federal lands. Until the Secretary has approved the mining plan no person may conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations on lands containing leased Federal coal.

Mining Plan Decision Documents
A mining plan is the plan for mining leased Federal coal required by the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920. OSMRE is charged with preparing a mining plan decision document (MPDD), which will be provided to the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals (ASLM). The Assistant Secretary has authority to approve, disapprove, or approve-with-conditions the mining plan.
The MPDD is developed in coordination with other agencies. This includes:
- Findings and recommendations from the Bureau of Land Management on resource recovery and protection plans
- State agencies on the surface coal mining and reclamation plans required by SMCRA
- Compliance with federal regulations, such as NEPA, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act and other applicable requirements and executive orders.
MPDD and supporting documentation, including any NEPA analysis, are available to the public in the Mine Plan Reference Center: located in Denver, Colorado.
For information from the Mine Plan Reference Center, please contact Marcelo Calle (office: 303-236-2929; cell: 720-467-5524).
Federal Lands Mining Plan Decision Documents and NEPA Compliance Documentation
Below are links to the most recent mining plan recommendations. These links include copies of the NEPA analysis and supporting documentation related to either findings of no significant impact (FONSI) or findings of NEPA compliance. For mining plan recommendations older than 5 years, please contact the Mine Plan Reference Center.
Belle Ayr Mine North Tract, Contura Coal West LLC., Amendment for Federal Lease WYW-161248 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 12/12/2017)
Signal Peak Energy, LLC – Bull Mountains No. 1 Mine MTM-97988 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 08/03/2018)
Note to Reader Regarding Environmental Assessment:
On August 10, 2018, the environmental assessment (EA) for the Bull Mountains Mine No. 1 was submitted for publication to the OSMRE Western Region NEPA Compliance Documentation webpage. During the publishing process, the date on the cover page of the EA was updated to August 8, 2018. The EA submitted to the Departmental review team was dated May 11, 2018 and the finding of no significant impact was signed by the OSMRE Western Region on May 21, 2018. During the Departmental review process of the Bull Mountains Mine No. 1 mining plan modification but before it was sent to the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management (ASLM), revisions were made Appendices D, H, and I.
The website has been updated to include the version of the EA and appendices sent to the ASLM
after Departmental review.
Peabody Caballo Mining, LLC – Caballo Mine WYW172657 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 04/08/2020)
BNI Coal, Ltd – Center Mine Federal Coal Lease NDM-105513, BNCR-1101(Mining Plan Modification Approval Document Dated 06/25/2024)
- Mine Plan Approval - Revision 8
- Finding of No Significant Impact - Revision 8
- Supplemental Environmental Assessment
BNI Coal, Ltd – Center Mine Federal Coal Lease NDM-105513, BNCR-9401(Mining Plan Modification Approval Document Dated 05/09/2023)
- Mine Plan Approval - Revision 17
- Supplemental Environmental Assessment
- Finding of No Significant Impact - Revision 17
BNI Coal, Ltd – Center Mine Federal Coal Lease NDM-105513, BNCR-9702 (Mining Plan Modification Approval Document Dated 07/26/2023)
Alton Coal Development, LLC – Coal Hollow Mine UTU-081895 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 07/29/2019)
- Executive Summary (343 KB)
- Record of Decision (581 KB)
- Mining Plan Approval (111 KB)
Colowyo Mine, L.P. – Colowyo Coal Mine COC-123475 01 and COC-68590 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 01/16/2017)
- Mining Plan Approval (49.4 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (27 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (110 KB)
Colowyo Mine, L.P. – Colowyo Coal Mine COC-29225 and COC-29226 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 09/04/2015)
- Mining Plan Approval (49.4 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (27 MB)
- Appendices (26.7 MB)
- FONSI (5.07 MB)
Cordero Mining, LLC. - Cordero Rojo Mine, Duvall Amendment for Federal Lease WYW-174407 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 02/06/2018)
- Mining Plan Approval 66.6 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (6.34 MB)
- Findings of No Significant Impact (106 KB)
Coyote Creek Mining Company, LLC. – Coyote Creek Mine, Permit No. NACC-1302, Revision 1 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 03/14/2024)
Western Fuels Wyoming, Inc. – Dry Fork Mine WYW0311810 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 02/20/2020)
- Mining Plan Approval (272 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (3.19 MB)
- Signed Findings Of No Significant Impact (254 KB)
Dry Fork Mine, Western Fuels-Wyoming, INC., Amendment for Federal Lease WYW-0271200 and Federal Lease WYW-0271201 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 12/19/2017)
- Mining Plan Approval (92 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (11.4 MB)
- Signed Findings Of No Significant Impact (266 KB)
Falkirk Mining Company, – Falkirk Mine, Revision 37 and 38 NDM107039 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 08/20/2018)
- Mine Plan Approval (61.1 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (1.44 MB)
- Findings of No Significant Impact (134 KB)
Foidel Creek Mine, Twentymile Coal, LLC’s, Federal Coal Lease COC54608 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 6/02/2017)
Freedom Mine, Coteau Properties Company, NDM 91535 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 10/19/2016)
- Mining Plan Approval (59.9 KB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (134 KB)
Jim Bridger Mine, Bridger Coal Company, Federal Coal Lease WYW2727 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 03/27/2018)
- Mining Plan Approval (56.5 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (8.00 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (84.2 KB)
King II Mine, GCC of America, Inc., Federal Coal Lease COC-62920 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 03/27/2018)
- Mining Plan Approval (58.1 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (12.6 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (144 KB)
Western Energy Company - Rosebud Mine, Area F M82186 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 7/15/2019)
- Federal Mine Plan Approval (88.7 KB)
- Record of Decision (3.87 MB)
- Final Environmental Impact Statement (81.2 MB)
Westmoreland San Juan Mining LLC – San Juan Mine Deep Lease Extension NM- 99144 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 08/26/2019)
- Mining Plan Approval (55 KB)
- Record of Decision (04/22/2019) (639 KB)
- Final Environmental Impact Statement (10.3 MB)
Skyline Mine, Canyon Fuel Company, LLC’s, Federal Coal Lease UTU-77114 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 5/11/2017)
- Mining Plan Approval (42.1 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (13.4 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (239 KB)
Spring Creek Mine TR 1 Mining Plan Modification (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated (07/08/2020)
- Mining Plan Approval (1249 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (6433 KB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (153 KB)
Spring Creek Mine LBA 1 Mining Plan Modification (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 10/03/2016)
- Mining Plan Approval (1.0 MB)
- Environmental Assessment (28.6 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (2.6 MB)
Spring Creek Mine Mining Plan Modification for Federal Coal Leases MTM 94378 and MTM 110693
Canyon Fuel Company, LLC – Sufco Mine, Greens Hollow Tract UTU-84102 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 06/21/2018)
- Mining Plan Approval (78.3 KB)
- Supplemental Environmental Assessment (2.24 MB)
- Findings of No Significant Impact (165 KB)
Trapper Mining Inc’s, Trapper Mine for Federal Coal Leases C07519 and C079641 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 4/29/16)
- Mining Plan Approval (447 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (12.7 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (691 KB)
Mountain Coal Company – West Elk Mine COC1362 and COC67232 (Mining Plan Approval Document Dated 01/13/2020)
- Mine Plan Approval (53.7 KB)
- Environmental Assessment (11.5 MB)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (446 KB)