Federal Register Notices
A Federal Register (FR) Notice provides public-record of proposed and final rulemakings, proposed settlements, public meetings and workshops, and other important agency activities.
All OSMRE FR Notices from the last 5 years (from 2020 to present) are provided below. Current and archived notices are also available online on the Federal Register website and at the Government Publishing Office.
If you are looking for a FR notice that you cannot find below or on the above links, please contact James Tyree for assistance via email, jtyree@osmre.gov, or telephone, (202) 208-4479.
- 88 FR 52205 OSMRE is publishing this notice to announce that it will prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for Signal Peak Energy, LLC's (Signal Peak) proposed Federal Mining Plan modification for Federal Lease MTM–97988 (the Project).
- 88 FR 24944 OSMRE: The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) proposes to amend the regulations related to notifying a State regulatory authority of a possible violation of any requirement of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA).
- 87 FR 15265 OSMRE: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement for Navajo Transitional Energy Company’s (NTEC) Federal mining plan modification for Federal Coal Lease MTM–94378.
- 86 FR 26941 OSMRE: Loss of State Jurisdiction To Administer the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 Within the Exterior Boundaries of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reservation in the State of Oklahoma
- 85 FR 28904 OSMRE 30 CFR 733, 736, 842: Proposed rule related to the issuance of Ten-Day Notices to State Regulatory Authorities and Enhancement of Corrective Action for State Regulatory Program Issues
- Grant Notification for Fiscal Year 2020 OSMRE is notifying the public that we intend to grant funds to eligible applicants for purposes authorized under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) Title IV Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program and Title V Regulatory Program. We will award these grants during fiscal year 2020.