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A suite of tools to analyze movement and quantity of ground water, estimate aquifer parameters and to evaluate pump/slug well test results.

  • Users: Hydrologists and Geologists
  • Training: No training information listed.
  • Vendor Information: Program description and support information are available at:

Software Capacity

  • Analyze pumping tests, slug tests, and recovery tests.
  • Enter and edit aquifer test data quickly and efficiently for permit review.
  • Visual curve matching capabilities for variable-rate pumping tests and aquifer systems with leakage, delayed gravity response and double-porosity behavior.
  • Analyze confined, unconfined, leaky and fractured aquifer parameters.
  • Drawdown tests for single or multiple wells, investigate the potential impact of mine pumpage on regional well fields or local wells.
  • Investigate the impacts of a mine on the regional groundwater flow paths.
  • Perform basic ground - water statistical analysis.
  • Perform sensitivity analysis.
  • Estimate hydrologic parameters that govern ground-water flow.
  • Check validity and accuracy of aquifer tests submitted as part of ground-water baseline information (Baseline, PHC).
  • Use in analysis of the impact of dewatering operations to water supplies (PHC evaluation, CHIA development).
  • Aid in the proper siting of monitoring wells (Baseline).
  • Enter and edit aquifer test data quickly and efficiently for permit review.
  • Analyze pumping tests, slug tests, and recovery tests.
  • Visual curve matching capabilities for variable-rate pumping tests and aquifer systems with leakage, delayed gravity response and double-porosity behavior.
  • Analyze confined, unconfined, leaky and fractured aquifer parameters.
  • Drawdown tests for single or multiple wells, investigate the potential impact of mine pumpage on regional well fields or local wells.
  • Investigate the impacts of a mine on the regional groundwater flow paths.
  • Perform basic ground - water statistical analysis.
  • Perform sensitivity analysis.
  • Estimate hydrologic parameters that govern ground-water flow.
  • Check validity and accuracy of aquifer tests submitted as part of ground-water baseline information (Baseline, PHC).
  • Use in analysis of the impact of dewatering operations to water supplies (PHC evaluation, CHIA development).
  • Aid in the proper sitting of monitoring wells (Baseline).
  • Water well complaints.
  • Aquifer characteristics for permitting.
  • AML site investigations (ground water flow direction, etc.).
  • Surface/ground water information concerning coal combustion waste disposal.

For More Information

Contact Zac Truesdell (; (303) 236-3414