e-AMLIS Data Dictionary
Field Name | Data Type | Field Size | Description | Example |
AMLIS KEY | Varchar | 11 | A value assigned to a problem area description that contains a State or Tribe abbreviation followed by six integers that are either auto generated or manually assigned. | AL000001 |
PA NAME | Varchar | 35 | The name that is given to a problem area by a State or Tribe. | New Lexington |
PU NUMBER | Varchar | 20 | A number that is auto generated when a State or Tribe establishes a Planning Unit. Planning Units are subdivision(s) of Water Cataloging Units (WCU) established by the Water Resources Council. | 127 |
PU NAME | Varchar | 100 | A name that is assigned by a State or Tribe when they establish a Planning Unit.Planning Units are subdivision(s) of Water Cataloging Units (WCU) established by the Water Resources Council. | N. River Wittson |
STATE | Varchar | 2 | The abbreviation for the State or Tribal Nation that is auto assigned to each data entry account. | AL |
COUNTY | Varchar | 20 | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. The county for each State for which a problem area is located. | Tuscaloosa |
QUADRANGLE | Varchar | 50 | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. The area shown on one of the standard topographic map sheets published by the U.S. Geological Survey: approximately 17 miles (27 km) north to south and from11 to 15 miles (17 to 24 km) east to west. | New Lexington |
WATERSHED | Varchar | 50 | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) defines the areal extent of surface water drainage to a point, accounting for all land and surface areas. | Upper Black Warrior |
FIPS CODE | Varchar | 50 | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. Federal information processing standards codes (FIPS codes) are a standardized set of numeric or alphabetic codes issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to ensure uniform identification of geographic entities through all federal government agencies. The entities covered include: states and statistically equivalent entities, counties and statistically equivalent entities, named populated and related location entities (such as, places and county subdivisions), and American Indian and Alaska Native areas. | 1125 |
HUC CODE | Varchar | 50 | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. Hydrologic units define drainage areas for surface water. This code identifies the sub watershed level. | 3160112 |
MINING TYPE | Varchar | 1 | The type of mining that occurred prior to the enactment of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 within each identified problem area, surface, underground or both. | S |
ORE TYPE | Varchar | 50 | States who have lands eligible for non-coal reclamation on sites where other mining has occurred specify the type of ore mined on the site, i.e. Bentonite, Cinnabar, Clay, Copper, Feldspar, Fluorite, Gold, Granite, Iron, Lead, Limestone, Marble and Other. | C |
CENSUS POPULATION | Int | N/A | A number derived from a mathematical calculation using the U.S. Census Bureau population of Census Block Groups and the location of the problem area. This data is used to report the Number of people with reduced exposure potential to safety risks from abandoned mine lands to the Department of Interior as part of the Office of Surface Mining's annual accomplishments. | 3,581 |
LATITUDE | Decimal | 16, 12 | Coordinates entered by the data entry user and is defined as the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, expressed in degrees and minutes or decimal degrees. | 33.56361111 |
LONGITUDE | Decimal | 16, 12 | Coordinates entered by the data entry user and is defined as the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, expressed in degrees and minutes or decimal degrees. | -87.651388889 |
CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT | Int | N/A | Auto generated based on the data entry users input of latitude and longitude coordinates of a problem area. A territorial division of a state; entitled to elect one member to the United States House of Representatives. | 6 |
PROBLEM AREA COMMENTS | Varchar | Unlimited | A field for the data entry user to assign comments pertaining to the problem area.,AL000021SGA 08-05-2004: (1998/06/03 14:48:27 by DKELLY) Flat Creek AML Project, GR#5167012 (1998/06/03 14:46:42 by DKELLY) Flat Creek AML Project, GR#51670PREPARED,DateTime,N/A,An auto generated date stamp applied to the Problem Area Description form at the time of creation that is permanent. | 6/22/1990 0:00 |
REVISED | DateTime | N/A | An auto generated date stamp applied to the Problem Area Description (PAD) form when the PAD is created. Each instance the PAD is updated the most recent modification date overrides the previous revised date. | 8/5/2004 0:00 |
COMPLETION | DateTime | N/A | A manually entered date entered for which on the ground construction of a reclamation project has commenced. | 9/29/2005 0:00 |
START | DateTime | N/A | A manually entered date entered for all emergency projects that represents the initiation of project construction. | 4/11/2005 0:00 |
ABATE | DateTime | N/A | A manually entered date entered for all emergency projects that represents the abatement of an emergency project. | 4/11/2005 0:00 |
PRIORITY | Varchar | 1 | An AML problem category meeting the conditions under Section 403(a)(2) [coal] or 411(c)(2) [non-coal] of SMCRA concerning the protection of public health and safety from the adverse effects of mining practices or a condition that is threatening people but is not an extreme danger. | 3 |
PROGRAM | Varchar | 5 | Used to distinguish the different sources of funding for AML reclamation. | SGB |
COMMENTS | Varchar | 8000 | A field used to provide information pertaining to each specific problem type within the problem areCost included in DH reclamation, Rocky Hollow II AML ProjecPROBLEM TYPE CODE,Varchar,5,An abbreviation for a Problem Type name. | SA |
PROBLEM TYPE NAME | Varchar | 255 | A specific on-the-ground feature that meets the definition of one of the Abandoned Mine Land Problem Types. | P3 Spoil Area |
ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE | Int | A code assigned automatically for an alternative funding source name. | 175 | |
ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE NAME | Varchar | 30 | AML problems that are funded and reclaimed by methods other than Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Programs. | USX - Landowner |
ADJACENT PRIORITY | Varchar | 1 | Eligible land and water resources geographically contiguous to a site that has been or will be addressed to protect the public health, safety, and property from extreme danger or adverse effects of coal mining practices. States and Tribes may record cost information for an adjacent land and water resource (Priority 3 Problem Type feature) as a Priority 1 or 2 expenditure when it is geographically contiguous to a current or previously reclaimed Priority 1 or 2 site. | 1 |
ADJACENT PA NUMBER | Int | N/A | The problem area number of the Priority 1 or 2 Problem Type feature for which the Priority 3 Problem Type feature is geographically contiguous. | AL000001 |
ADJACENT PROBLEM TYPE NAME | Varchar | 255 | The Priority 1 or 2 Problem Type feature name for which the Priority 3 Problem Type feature is geographically contiguous. | P1 Portals |
ADJACENT PROBLEM TYPE CODE | Varchar | 5 | The Priority 1 or 2 Problem Type feature code for which the Priority 3 Problem Type feature is geographically contiguous. | P |
UNFD UNITS | Decimal | 23,10 | English units of measure assigned to each individual Problem Type feature. | 47,100 |
UNFD COSTS | Decimal | 23,10 | Costs estimated by each State, Indian Tribe or OSMRE Field Office for the future reclamation of each Problem Type feature(s). | 7,060,125 |
UNFD GRPA | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to Acres that provides a single unit of measure for the Office of Surface Mining to report annual accomplishments for the Government Performance and Reports Act. | 672.86 |
UNFD METR | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to the associated metric conversion. | 14,356.08 |
FUND UNITS | Decimal | 23,10 | English units of measure assigned to each individual Problem Type feature. | 1,700 |
FUND COSTS | Decimal | 23,10 | Actual costs that have been obligated for the reclamation of a Problem Type feature(s). | 72,780 |
FUND GRPA | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to Acres that provides a single unit of measure for the Office of Surface Mining to report annual accomplishments for the Government Performance and Reports Act. | 24.26 |
FUND METR | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to the associated metric conversion. | 523.08 |
PROB COMP UNITS | Decimal | 23,10 | English units of measure assigned to each individual Problem Type feature. | 1,400 |
PROB COMP COSTS | Decimal | 23,10 | Final cumulative costs that have been expended for the reclamation of a Problem Type feature(s). | 66,206 |
PROB COMP GPRA | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to Acres that provides a single unit of measure for the Office of Surface Mining to report annual accomplishments for the Government Performance and Reports Act. | 20 |
PROB COMP METR | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to the associated metric conversion. | 426.72 |
PROJECT NAME | Varchar | 100 | The name assigned by a State, Indian Tribe or OSMRE Field Office for a specified approved reclamation project. | Deans Ferry Acid Mine Drainage Remediation |
STREAM MILES | Decimal | 23,10 | Previously recorded data that provided the total number of stream miles reclaimed on a water related reclamation project. | 2 |
CENSUS RISK | Int | N/A | An auto generated number based from the 2010 US Census Bureau Census Block Group population totals and an auto-generated formula used to determine population within a 1/2 mile buffer around the problem areas coordinate location. | 622 |
ESTIMATED RISK | Int | N/A | States, Indian Tribes and OSMRE Field Offices who determine that the Census Risk population total is not sufficient may use an alternate resource for providing an estimated total for the number of people who have been reduced from potential danger of an Abandoned Mine Land site. | 25 |
No RISK | Int | N/A | A field that combines Census Risk and Estimated Risk. If an Estimated Risk is not entered by a user then this field will display the Census Risk data. If a user enters an Estimated Risk this field will contain the Estimated Risk total. | 622 |
COMPLETION DATA COMMENTS | DateTime | N/A | States, Indian,Tribes and OSMRE Field Offices have the ability to provide comments pertaining to the completion of reclamation for a Problem Type Feature. States, Indian Tribes and OSMRE Field Offices who override Census Risk data by entering Estimated Risk are required to provide a citation for the resource used to obtain the data. | SA reclaimed incidental to Priority 1 DH reclamation |
IMPOUNDED ACRES | Decimal | 23,10 | Previously recorded data that provided the total impounded acres reclaimed on a reclamation project. | 1 |
COMP UNITS | Decimal | 23,10 | English units of measure assigned to each individual Problem Type feature. | 1,200 |
COMP COSTS | Decimal | 23,10 | Final costs that have been expended for the reclamation of a Problem Type feature. | 143,294 |
COMP GPRA | Decimal | 23,10 | Auto | 3160112 |
HUC | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to Acres that provides a single unit of measure for the Office of Surface Mining to report annual accomplishments for the Government Performance and Reports Act. | 17.1 |
COMP METR | Decimal | 23,10 | A conversion for each Problem Type features English units to the associated metric conversion. | 148 |
PRIVATE | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of Privately owned land for which a problem area is located. | 0 |
STATE | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of State owned land for which a problem area is located. | 25 |
INDIAN LANDS | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of Tribal owned land for which a problem area is located. | 0 |
BLM | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of Bureau of Land Management owned land for which a problem area is located. | 25 |
FOREST SERVICE | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of Forest Service owned land for which a problem area is located. | 0 |
NATIONAL PARK SERVICE | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of National Park Service owned land for which a problem area is located. | 25 |
OTHER FEDERAL | Decimal | 3,0 | Percentage of other Federally owned land for which a problem area is located. | 25 |